"I grew up with championship-level worriers."

An emotionally healthy Physician, team, or practitioner is a good thing for everyone, especially Patients, family, and those you work around daily. It will sometimes be a struggle, but it's a struggle worth having because feeling better is a better way to live.

By Editor, Concierge Medicine Today

I worry a lot. I struggle with anxiety. I grew up with championship-level worriers. I overthink entirely too many things and can often jump to the worst possible scenario.

Today, whether it's about kids, work, or family, it's easier to be discouraged when we’re feeling fragile.

It's easier to be inspired when you're feeling good. And it is easier to be cynical when you're feeling resentful. Then, a new day comes, and we rinse and repeat.

You might be feeling one of these ways right now. We've all been there, including me. Even the slightest bit of criticism can seem overwhelming when I feel fragile.

But when I'm in a good, emotionally healthy state, everything is simply better. The same goes probably for you and most Physicians and healthcare practitioners out there. Obviously, this would be easier if life were easy.

Life is tough, and there are times when we have good reasons to feel fragile and resentful. But life can be hard, and people can let you down. As we get older, we find ourselves waking up with aches and pains for no reason. But there's a cost to feeling fragile—you never realize how strong you actually are.

That's why I've asked my wife and best friend, Kelly, and a few others, "If you see me feeling fragile, discouraged, and becoming cynical, will you let me know?"

This might be a good question for all of us to ask who works in healthcare, regardless of position or status. "As you look back on the past few weeks, which one of these three words describes you most often? Fragile. Discouraged. Cynical?

An emotionally healthy Physician, team, or practitioner is a good thing for everyone, especially Patients, family, and those you work around daily. It will sometimes be a struggle, but it's a struggle worth having because feeling better is a better way to live.


Editor, Concierge Medicine Today


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