Leave on-time today!

"I will leave on time today!" was the last thing I said to my wife and daughters this morning before entering my commute. I have a date tonight together around the dinner table with my wife! If you have a significant other, may this serve as your gentle reminder that you should do the same today!

By Editor, Concierge Medicine Today

Doctors are guilty of working entirely too late, too much, too often!

If you're married, a Parent, single and a Physician of any specialty, more than likely, you've burned the candle at both ends as well on more nights than you can remember.

You may have even missed a few important events as well.

You are not alone. Don't beat yourself up too much.

Being devoted to your career, Patients, your team, and a profession you love (and loathe at times!) is honorable.

Today, however, leave on time!

Set a reminder.

In fact, set three or four reminders when you ignore the first two! I do it all the time for important events.

If you don't take a moment to adjust your schedule now, you won't get around to it later.

Make time for those that make time for you and mean the most to you!

As Kevin Coster who plays John Dutton in Yellowstone said, “That's the one good thing about problems, they'll still be problems tomorrow.”

As many of you know, I'm a father of three, a husband to the most intelligent middle school math teacher in the world (who is embarrassed by consistently my poor math skills -- which is why I'm a writer, btw), and married me anyway!

To my surprise, this morning, I opened an email from my Inbox that caught my eye. The subject line was Rules for Dads of Daughters.

I'll share the link to the full article, but the author, All Pro Dads, writes ... "I’m always surprised at the simplicity of some of his tips and yet, they are also so critical. One of his main tips is to always keep thinking. When we stop thinking, we make bad decisions with unfortunate consequences. Raising daughters is also an adventure and we want to do things that will give us an edge. Maintaining daily focus on doing the right things makes raising daughters healthy and strong all the more likely."

Despite the article being focused on Dads and Daughters, I thought #10 on the list would strike a note among some wise and discerning Parent-Physicians.

#10. Don't be late!

I'm chronically leaving my desk later than I should. I'm sure you are as well.

We can't always accomplish what we want to each day, and it's okay!

I love how the author footnoted #10 -- "She will eagerly await your return home from work in the evenings."

Let's not be late just a little more often!

After all, it's like I repeat so often ... "It is no longer about being the best Doctor in the world anymore; it is about being the best Doctor FOR the world, FOR your Patients, and FOR your family!"


Editor, Concierge Medicine Today


"I grew up with championship-level worriers."


She said "The cavalry is not coming. The cavalry is here. The cavalry is us!"